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Enrique Kates: DOs and DON'Ts Tips of a Successful Online Language Teacher
Enrique Kates: DOs and DON'Ts Tips of a Successful Online Language Teacher Read online
Mission Statement
To help people achieve their goals in life by teaching them to master the essential knowledge of English and Spanish.
My name is Enrique Kates! I’m a highly experienced conversational English and Spanish teacher.
I was born with a blessing. But, I didn't know about it until years later. I have been speaking two languages (English and Spanish), all my life.
About two weeks after graduating from High School, I landed in Berlitz Language Schools. I didn't really want to go there. I went because of a misunderstanding. Anyway, I began teaching English and Spanish. After a while, I realized I loved it.
It was there that I came across my blessing. There was something about myself that I could share with others, and help them reach their own goals and dreams. I could teach another person to speak a new language. I also soon realized that this was not going to make me rich....at least, not economically. But, the other rewards were much more. Besides, they would go with me the day I left this earthly life.
Through the years, I've seen some of my students on News Headlines, Talk Shows, Conferences, and other different places. It fills me with tremendous joy, to know that I had something to do with their success. It was my success also. And nobody can take that away from me.
Eventually I formed my own Language Instruction company. A new stage began in my life. Suddenly, I was training and working with teachers to reach their own goals and potential. At the same time I was helping students. I was helping people, help others. I was helping people on two sides, reach their own goals.
At the same time, I was making a living.
I'm still in touch with students and teachers that worked with me years ago. Some of these teachers have built a successful career. Its always touching when they contact me.
I’m very proud to know that I’ve helped so many people achieve their goals because of my help in learning to speak English or Spanish.This is the most rewarding aspect of my career.
In 2008, I began building my online business. My students and teachers come from all parts of the world.
I invite everybody to come and join me. If you're a student in need of learning a language...call me. If you love languages and want to share your knowledge by teaching...call me.
Teaching is a beautiful experience, full of rewarding moments. Join me!
Thank you very much,
[email protected]
ECK Language Services
Tips for a successful online language teacher: Do's and Don'ts
- Define Target Market (Niche)
Your Target Market (Niche) is crucial. You must know who your potential students are. And where you will find them. Don’t say “My market is anybody that wants to learn what I teach”. Although, you certainly should accept everybody, be more specific , or you’ll go haywire with your marketing, advertising, and pricing, efforts.
Focus. Its not the same to teach an 8 year old, than a top level executive.
Is your Target Market (Niche):?
- Students
- Business People
- Housewives
- Men? Women?
- etc
- Where to find your customers.
Where and how to find your customers depend mainly on your Target Market (Niche).
- Ads in magazines
- Social networks
- Trade shows
- Friends
- etc
Due to the complexity of this point, I consider it beyond the scope of this writing. But here are some tips to follow.
How much to charge for your services again depends greatly on your Target Market (Niche).
Different markets (countries, cities, regions) have different income levels, and therefore different spendable income and purchasing power. Keep these differences in mind when you price your services. Choose your markets carefully in order to avoid frustration, loss of time and money in your marketing efforts. Consider that in some countries, the daily minimum wage equals the price of 1 single class, I’ve come across this.
Also consider the payment options. Paypal is a great option, but its not accepted in some countries. So, even if your prospects have the money, interest, and willingness to be your student…..they can’t, because they can’t pay. Choose your markets carefully in order to avoid frustration, loss of time and money in your marketing efforts.
Beware of those prospects who bargain, ask for discounts, free classes, and the like.
They spread the word to everybody they know. And, before you know it, your inbox, skype, and so on, will be flooded of people wanting freebies. This brings along the following:
If you did it for one, you must do it for others.
And most importantly, you will have a very hard time to go back to your normal rates.
The same applies to introductory prices. Don’t lower your prices too much in order to get customers at the beginning. You’ll lose those customers when you increase your rates to your normal prices.
Anyway, you should always keep the following in mind while setting your prices:
- Cover costs
- Determine Mark-up
- Market Pricing
* High end product.
* Low budget product.
* Introductory price
* Competitors
* etc